Back Pain Treatment Hemel Hempstead: Chiropractor

Chiropractor, Dr Kevin Loughlin, Hemel Hempstead

Dr Kevin Loughlin Chiropractor Hemel Hempstead

Dr Kevin Loughlin Chiropractor Hemel Hempstead

Kevin has been treating back and neck pain at his Hemel Hempstead clinic for 13 years.  Currently his youngest patient is only 4 weeks old.  Using very gentle spinal and cranial techniques Kevin is releasing this baby’s joints after a traumatic birth process.  At the other end of the life timeline, his current oldest patient is 87 years old.  Again gentle manipulation techniques are being using to free up a stiffened and curved spine to maintain a pain free and flexible lifestyle.

Dr Kevin Loughlin Chiropractor Hemel Hempstead

Dr Kevin Loughlin Chiropractor Hemel Hempstead

In between Kevin is treating a 35 year old WBC British Champion Muay Thai kick boxer, for sports related injuries and a 7 year old female gymnast with back pain.

Dr Kevin Loughlin Chiropractor Hemel Hempstead

Dr Kevin Loughlin Chiropractor Hemel Hempstead

With over 25 years NHS and private practice experience Kevin is able to help a wide range of people suffering from back and neck pain, joint problems, sports injury, pregnancy related back pain, headaches/migraines and much more.

Call Kevin at his clinic Alpha Chiropractic & Sports Injury Clinic, Hemel Hempstead on 01442 248885

Back and Neck Pain Treatment Hemel Hempstead 01442 248885

Contact Us

For emergency Out of hours appointments please call 07775 790070


Alpha Chiropractic Clinic

Alpha House
81 Marlowes
Hemel Hempstead