Suffering lumbar spine or low back pain?
Lumbar spine or low back pain can have a number of causes including:
- Long term poor posture, this can be work related e.g. sitting position at a computer or standing position as a hairdresser or it can be non work related, simply how we sit, stand and lie down in everyday life.
- Trauma e.g. a fall or poor lifting technique
- Disease process e.g. infection, rheumatoid arthritis
- Tumour e.g. bone cancer or secondaries from another primary site
Your chiropractic is trained and fully qualified to distinguish and diagnose which type of low back or lumbar spine pain you are suffering. He or she will take a thorough medical history and perform a detailed examination. After doing this your chiropractor will discuss your diagnosis and the best treatment plan for your needs.
At Alpha Chiropractic & Sports Injury clinic, Dr Kevin Loughlin D.C., BSc (Hons), BSc (Chiro), RGN, MRCC, MBCA, is a fully qualified and registered Doctor of Chiropractic with 17 years practice experience.